When diving into the vast world of Dragon Dogma 2, players often find themselves torn between the thrill of exploration and the need to progress rapidly. While some people enjoy the freedom to travel at their leisure, others crave efficient ways to get from point A to B without any delays. So, what’s the deal with fast travel in this epic RPG sequel? Let’s break it down.

Forget about teleportation spells or handy portals—Dragon Dogma 2 throws you right into the middle of it without such features. There are no shortcuts here, friends. But fear not, there are still ways to increase speed and traverse the field with a little more haste.

Veterans of the series may remember the trusty Fairystones from the original game. These magical artifacts, whether purchased or stumbled upon, provide a limited form of fast travel by taking you to predetermined locations marked by Port Crystals. It’s not a free ticket to get anywhere, but it sure beats walking.

Alternatively, you can opt for the more traditional method: riding on an oxcart and following the road system. This is a little faster than walking, but be careful – you can be ambushed on the way.

Ultimately, Dragon’s Dogma 2 emphasizes the journey as well as the destination. So, while you won’t be crossing the map in an instant, embrace the adventure and enjoy the scenery of the road less traveled.

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